March 7th - deadline for ordering Thursday, February 27th - Pizza Hut/Smoothies
Hot Lunch - MunchaLunch
Kathleen McNeely Elementary
Hot Lunch Program
Welcome to McNeely Elementary School
We are happy to announce that you will now
place your hot lunch orders online using!
You can pay for your orders online using credit card (Visa/Mastercard),
debit-credit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay or pre-paid credit card.
Here we are at the beginning of another school year!! Whether this is your 1st year or your 7th year at McNeely is a very exiting time. One of the great things we do here at McNeely is to offer a Hot Lunch Program. This is one of PAC’s main sources of fundraising, hot lunch is also used to provide fresh, convenient and affordable lunches for our McNeely families one to two times a month.
Before your first-ever hot lunch order McNeely families are asked to create a family account to which each of your children will be added, their grade and division number.
Click the “Register Here” button (as shown below). The system will guide you through.
After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order.
Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.
An email and notice will be sent home to indicating that hot lunch is open for ordering You will be able to order for one or several lunches at once. Ordering sessions for both will be open for limited timeframe during which orders and payment will be processed.
If you need assistance with ordering, please contact Karina Sanchez at
Please note if your child is ill on a lunch date, you are welcome to come and pick up their lunch by 12:15; otherwise please consider it a donation for a child who does not have a lunch. Consistent with previous years, there are NO REFUNDS as this is a PAC fundraiser. We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program as the funds go towards general fundraising within the school to support things like books for primary classrooms, gym equipment, outdoor Education, Field trip subsidy, sports day popsicles, Grade 7 Grad pictures and many more things.
We are always in need of Volunteers! There is a volunteer page in the online system where you can checkmark which dates you are available. The lunch coordinator will then contact you with a proposed schedule.
Our thanks to the McNeely parent community for supporting this important fundraiser and to our wonderful Volunteers who help make this program a success!